Best SIP Mutual Funds in India to Invest in 2022

A Systematic Investment Plan, commonly referred to as SIP, is an investment method that people can use to invest in various mutual fund schemes. In SIP, one invests a fixed amount into their preferred mutual fund schemes at pre-decided and fixed intervals. This investment mode is an alternative to lump sum payments, where the investor pays the entire investment amount in one go.
This blog explains everything you need to know about SIPs and also lists some of the best mutual funds for SIP.
List of Top 10 Mutual Funds to Invest via SIPs
The table below lists the top mutual fund schemes in India in 2022 to invest in via SIPs based on their five-year annualised returns:
Name of Mutual Fund Scheme | Mutual Fund Scheme Category | 5-Year Annualised Returns * |
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund – Growth | Large and mid Cap Fund | 22.63% |
Quant Active Fund – Growth – Direct Plan | Multi Cap Fund | 30.5% |
PGIM India Flexi Cap Fund – Growth – | Flexi cap fund | 21.42% |
SBI Contra Fund – Growth – Direct Plan | Contra Fund | 15.11% |
Quant Focused Fund-Direct Plan-Growth | Focused fund | 21.13% |
Quant Large and Midcap Fund-Direct Plan-Growth | Sectoral/Thematic | 15.02% |
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund-Direct Plan-Growth | Large and midcap fund | 18.93% |
Sundaram Focussed Fund-Direct Plan-Growth | Focused fund | 18.35% |
* As on November 11, 2022
How Do SIPs for Mutual Funds Work?
Suppose you use the SIP mode to invest in a mutual fund scheme. You will need to issue a standing instruction allowing a fixed and predetermined sum of money to be debited from your bank account at regular intervals. It can be on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. Few mutual fund schemes also accept SIPs on a daily basis.
The debited amount gets invested in your selected mutual fund. A specific number of units of your chosen mutual fund scheme gets allotted which depends on the Net Asset Value (NAV) or purchase price of the fund on that day.
Investing in mutual funds via SIP is similar to savings via recurring deposits. When you invest in a recurring deposit, you need to deposit a fixed amount of money every month for a fixed tenure.
SIP is a hassle-free and convenient investment mode. You do not have to shell out a lump sum investment amount. Neither do you have to write a cheque every month. Just a standing instruction to your bank will do.
Also Read: How to Stop Mutual Fund SIP? | SIP Cancellation Online
Types of SIPs
Listed below are the different types of Systematic Investment Plans:
- Fixed SIP
Here, investors choose and fix the SIP amount. They also set a date on which the amount gets invested into the scheme periodically. After they make the necessary selections, the rest of the process gets automated.
Consistent and equal investment, irrespective of the market situation, enables investors to benefit from rupee cost averaging. Furthermore, investment via this SIP ensures a hassle-free process because the investor does not need to intervene regularly.
- Perpetual SIP
These are fixed SIPs without a fixed tenure. Here, the investor can skip filling up the start and end date of SIP to continue it indefinitely.
The fund house will deduct the amount automatically from the investor’s bank account until the investor instructs them to discontinue. The benefit of perpetual SIP is that one does not have to renew repeatedly. People can continue investing as long as they wish to. Moreover, they can redeem their investment at their convenience.
- Flexible SIP
Markets experience both bullish and bearish phases. Moreover, the income of an investor might vary from month to month. Flexible SIPs take all of these factors into consideration. It provides people with the benefit of skipping or changing the amount of their monthly contribution based on their cash flow.
So, investors can alter the SIP amount to invest more during market downturns and less during market peaks. They can also vary the investment amount based on expenses, income, and market movements.
- Top-up SIP
This SIP facility enables investors to increase their SIP investments periodically. Therefore, it is an ideal SIP option if investors expect periodic increments in their income increases.
For example, an investor can set up a SIP for ₹5,000 in the first month and subsequently increase the amount by ₹1,000 every month. They can also instruct the fund house to increase their investment amount by ₹ 2,500 every twelve months.
- Trigger SIP
Experienced investors can invest via trigger SIPs. In this option, SIPs get triggered if the mutual fund scheme’s NAV attains a specified value.
Furthermore, investors can trigger their SIPs depending on changes in popular benchmark indices like Sensex and Nifty.
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Benefits of investing via SIP
Now, let us look at the reasons for investing in mutual funds via SIPs:
- Inculcates financial discipline
The most prominent feature of SIP is its automated investments. The SIP amount gets automatically deducted from the investor’s bank account at periodic intervals. It helps instil financial discipline into one’s life. Using SIPs will ensure that a person does not have to experience the hassles of manual intervention.
- Provides flexibility
Investors can enjoy complete flexibility while investing in mutual funds via SIP. For example, they can choose the amount and its periodicity – weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Additionally, investors can decide their investment tenure and modify the SIP.
- Creation of wealth with small amounts
An investor can start investing via SIP with as little as ₹ 500. This method allows the investor to spread the risk and cost of investment over a long period. Moreover, the money invested periodically increases with the market’s performance. It helps grow the investment corpus, allowing individuals to achieve their financial goals.
- The benefit of rupee cost averaging
Experts say an investor must keep investing a fixed amount of money every month, irrespective of the market situation. As a result, if the market falls, the investor can buy more units at lower NAVs. However, investors would buy fewer units at higher NAVs if the market rises. In the long term, this reduces the average cost of your investments. This process is referred to as rupee cost averaging.
It is helpful when the markets rise and fall. However, this strategy works better during an extended investment horizon, as the bear and bull phases of the market can last for a long time.
- No need to time the market
Investors do not have to time the market because SIP is an automated investment. Therefore, investing at regular intervals continues irrespective of the market situation. Moreover, the money gets invested at different market levels, which significantly helps in lowering costs.
Also Read: Step-Up SIP: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Factors to consider while Investing via SIP in Mutual Funds
Listed below are some of the crucial things to consider before investing in the mutual fund via SIPs:
- Financial goals
A preferable way to formulate effective financial plans is to set critical life goals that require a large sum of money. For example, an investor may wish to have a fund for retirement, a child’s education, or buying a home.
A clear goal enables investors to have clear objectives and track the alignment of their investments with it.
- Investment horizon
When you have a clear financial goal, you also have an idea of the time it would take to achieve it. A long-term horizon enables you to take more risks. However, if you wish to achieve your financial goals within a short period, you should opt for a short-term mutual fund with less risk.
Taxation of SIPs
A key difference in the taxation of SIPs from lump sum investments is that, in the case of SIP, every single instalment is a new investment for taxation purposes. The holding period of each SIP is calculated from the date of each payment.
The taxation of SIPs mainly depends on the type of mutual funds in which a person invests. Profits earned by investors after selling their mutual fund investments are deemed to be capital gains. These are STCG (Short-Term Capital Gains) and LTCG (Long-Term Capital Gains). This categorisation depends on the holding period of the investment.
If investors hold equity fund units for less than 12 months, it is considered STCG. But, if the holding period is 12 months or more, it is regarded as LTCG. If investors hold debt fund units for less than 36 months, it is STCG. If the holding period is 36 months or more, it is LTCG.
Taxation of equity-oriented mutual funds
Important points regarding the taxation of equity mutual funds are as follows:
- The applicable LTCG tax is 10% if the long-term gains exceed ₹ 1 lakh per year
- LTCG is tax-free till ₹ 1 lakh every financial year
- The STCG tax rate is 15%
- Health and education cess of 4% on capital gains tax is applicable
Taxation of debt-oriented mutual funds
Listed below are important points:
- LTCG tax rate is 20% with indexation benefits
- STCG tax depends on the investor’s income tax slab rate.
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Final Word
SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan, and it is a convenient way to grow a large corpus by investing small sums regularly. There are many benefits of investing via SIPs, the foremost being the inculcation of financial discipline. This blog has listed some of the best mutual funds for SIP investment and other essential details you may need to learn.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What will happen if I cancel my SIP?
If investors cancel their SIP, the money for SIP investment will no longer be deducted from their bank account. Usually, the investor does not have to pay any penalty for such cancellations.
Should I start a SIP when the market is moving up?
Investors can start investing via SIP whenever they wish. However, trying to predict returns from price movements can lead to mistakes. Investing through SIP helps to spread out the cost of investment over a long time. Furthermore, it helps to mitigate risks.
What is the average return of SIPs?
The returns depend on the particular mutual fund scheme. SIP is a mode of investment and not an investment in itself.
It is a good idea to check the past performances of both the scheme and the fund manager before investing. Though past performances do not guarantee good returns, it indicates the possible future trajectory of the fund returns.
Is it safe to invest via SIP?
The risk levels most likely depend on the mutual fund scheme. However, investing via the SIP route inculcates financial discipline and helps spread the investment across time. It reduces financial burden and risks.
Is SIP better than FD?
SIP is a mode of investment and not an investment product like FDs (Fixed Deposits). FDs provide fixed returns. But if we consider the post-tax returns, FDs have not outpaced inflation historically. On the other hand, if one invests in equity mutual funds via SIP, the returns have the potential to beat inflation.