Edelweiss Financial Services Limited Oct’23 NCD Review

About EFL

Incorporated in 1995, EFSL is a leading well diversified NBFC offering end to end lending, financing, and wealth services to a varied customer base.

Company Performance (Jun’23)

The net worth is ₹ 5,574 crore. The GNPA & NNPA are 12.26% and 2.17% with a profit of ₹ 77.75 crore.

Issue Details

The above image shows the issue details of EFSL Oct 2023 NCD.

Term Structure for Investors

The above image shows the term structure for retail investors from series 1-3.

Term Structure for Investors

Above image shows the term structure for retail investors for series 4-6.

Term Structure for Investors

Above image shows the term structure for retail investors from series 7-10.

Entity - Comforts

Adequate capitalisation with multiple capital raises. Diversified businesses across various financial services. Reduction of exposure to real estate financing.

Entity - Concerns

Low profitability at the consolidated level. Inconsistent trend in income at the consolidated level. Exposure to real estate in the wholesale loan book.

How to Apply Using UPI?

Follow the above mentioned steps to apply for EFSL NCD using UPI.